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Thursday, October 30, 2008

Richard Dawkins Comes Out As An Intelligent Design Proponent—Revisited

Please note that this essay is being moved and will be shortly reposted at True Freethinker


  1. The whole Darwin/Hitler Hitler/Darwin thing you are promoting is all a big satire right? Because if you're serious, you are such an idiot!

  2. So does that mean when some kook walks into a store and guns everyone down and then claims Jesus or the Bible told him to do it, that Jesus promoted mass murder?

  3. Anonymous;
    Thanks for your inquiries.
    On your first question: I guess that I do not understand, am I serious about what?

    On the second one: No.


  4. Bobxxxx;
    Sir, thanks for the comments.
    I hope that you will empathize in that moderating comments is nothing but a waste of time.
    However, comments such as yours necessitate that I waste my time in that manner.
    Believe me, I wish that I did not have to do it.
    If you wish to compose a rational statement I will be more than glad to have you back.


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