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Friday, December 5, 2008

Richard Dawkins - Children in the Atheist’s Den, part 6 of 8

Please note that this essay is being moved and will be shortly reposted at True Freethinker


  1. Your pathetic series of rants against reason and rationality in support of your whacked belief stricken delusions of nothings won't change the facts of life that there is no god, no afterlife except bugs eating your corpse, nor any hope of salvation for you by mythical gods.

    Dead bodies don't rise from the dead which is proof that there is no god and that all the stories in the bible are just that made up stories of other delusionals.

    Face the facts of life and get real or is that something that is too hard for you to do?

  2. Tremor;
    In fact, in the case of Prof. Dawkins, he believed Darwin before ever reading him.
    He believed it at the age of 16 because he it was taught to him.

    Thanks for your comment.
    I must say that you present a perfect example of the deleterious influence of the New Atheist movement.
    You seem to think that belittlement replaces rationality and a more erudite than thou sentiments replace argumentation.

    You made the positive affirmation that “there is no god”—please provide evidence for your assertion.

    You made the positive affirmation that “there is…no afterlife”—please provide evidence for your assertion.

    You made the positive affirmation that “there is no…hope of salvation”—please provide evidence for your assertion.

    You made the positive affirmation that “Dead bodies don't rise from the dead”—please provide evidence for your assertion. Merely asserting a “faith” based atheist dogma that a mere assertion “is proof” is very far from evidential demonstrations.

    You made the positive assertion that “all the stories in the bible are just that made up stories of other delusionals”—please provide evidence for your assertion.

    Thanks and aDios,

  3. "I must say that you present a perfect example of the deleterious influence of the New Atheist movement. You seem to think that belittlement replaces rationality and a more erudite than thou sentiments replace argumentation."

    Thank you. However, I am not belittling you, if I was doing that you'd really know it. I'm stating facts of life and since you refruse to acknowledge these facts of life by sticking to your whacked out beliefs of magical events and super beings that contravene the laws of mother nature you're clinically "delusional". Delusion means strongly believing things that are not true. That certainly describes you sir.

    When someone points out that I have a mistaken idea or a "belief" I take heed and work diligently to eliminate that belief by various methods. Once a belief is identified it can be segregated and systematically attacked until it no longer controls me. Belief itself is EVIL. Belief is one of the mechanisms that humans use to justify all the evil acts they do to each other.

    "You made the positive affirmation that “there is no god”—please provide evidence for your assertion."

    It's easy to understand that there is no god and no possibility of any gods whatsoever except what you imagine. There are many proofs of no god(s). I gave you one already, dead bodies don't come back to life. The speed of light it another. Due to the speed of light no god can be omnipresent, omnipotent, nor omniscient. No being can do that. Besides god doesn't explain anything, it's just a cozy idea to keep you from freaking out that you're going to die permanently without any possibility of an afterlife. God is evolutions solution to reduce stress in living intelligent systems. It's good that it didn't infect me though - I ask too many questions and think for myself, something I recommend you try for a change.

    "You made the positive affirmation that “there is…no afterlife”—please provide evidence for your assertion."

    When you die, your body decays and is eaten by microbes and insects. You rot to pieces and are recycled by mother nature, that is the only after life possible, as bug food, unless you get cremated or frozen that is. As for mythical spirits there are none since "you" are a body of cells interacting in biochemical ways with electrical patterns providing the illusion of consciousness. When your body dies all these processes RAPIDLY or IMMEDIATELY stop. Medical doctors might be able to save you in the few minutes before organ, brain and cell death but after that forget it. Gone back to nothingness. No magical life after death as your consciousness is DESTROYED as your body rapidly decays and as soon as the electrical patterns that make you up STOP FOREVER and as soon as your brain cells decay they can't ever repeat those electrical patterns that make you up. You're gone forever. This is basic science and anyone without their head shoved up into nonsense faith can see it.

    "You made the positive affirmation that “there is no…hope of salvation”—please provide evidence for your assertion."

    Not the kind of "salvation" that religious types talk about since we are permanently terminal when we die. No afterlife thus no salvation. Sure you can have the delusional idea that you've been saved here upon the earth all you want, but be clear that it's just in your imagination and not in reality. It's a delusion. They abound with your faith freaks who think that bowing to a mythical god will save you. It's just not going to happen. That's why living your life the best you can now connected to what is real is the only real path to a non-delusional life, and in a sense the only "real salvation free of delusions"!

    "You made the positive affirmation that “Dead bodies don't rise from the dead”—please provide evidence for your assertion. Merely asserting a “faith” based atheist dogma that a mere assertion “is proof” is very far from evidential demonstrations."

    You've got to be kidding right? It's basic biology. You really are far gone if you don't get this crucial point. Oh, right your mythology REQUIRES you to ignore the facts of life. It's the test of how controllable and gullable you are by those in control of you with religion. It's how they know you can be manipulated for their own gain. Or you're just delusional on your own. Take your pick. See explaination above. There is no faith in this fact of life. Ask any biologist. Test it yourself. Take a chicken or turkey that is alive and have it killed in front of you. Take it home. Put it into a bucket and leave it on the floor of your kitchen for two weeks with a video camera pointed at it to record how biological systems decay. Now that is what happens to you, only more so since human bodies are bigger than chickes and turkeys but not very different from the biological perspective. We are made of the same stuff and many of the same genes! That's right you just murdered a distant cousin with that chicken or turkey.

    "You made the positive assertion that “all the stories in the bible are just that made up stories of other delusionals”—please provide evidence for your assertion."

    That's an easy one. Since so many of the claimed "magic events" are violations of the known laws of science they can only be stories! Dah! If you think different that is where you take your leap of faith into the deep delusional beliefs and widen your disconnection from reality.

    It's highly ironic that faith based beliefs which are supposed to connect someone closer to "god" actually take the believer away from objective reality into made up fantasy worlds.

    By the way the onus is upon YOU to prove your wild and whacky beliefs. That is how scientists do it. We look for proof to support our notions and when there isn't any we let the EVIDENCE reshape our ideas. Biology proves that dead bodies decay and don't come back to life thus Jesus could not have risen from the dead. If people actually thought that a man named Jesus came back to life then either they were taken in by a con man or they were just mistaken. Either way it doesn't matter since the teachings of the bible are highly immoral and evil with many acts of murder, genocide, rape, plus numerous other crimes advocated against those who don't "believe". Shameful.

    Shame on you for believing in god and the immoral values of which ever bible you believe in.

  4. I made a comment the other day in response to yours and haven't seen it published yet? What's up with that?

  5. pwl/Peter;
    Good to hear from you again.
    I appreciate your attempt to convert me, I really do. I do not share your faith but I always do appreciate it when someone is passionate enough about what they believe that they want to share it with others. You even preach a pseudo-gospel of your own “the only real path…real salvation free of delusions.”

    I see that you are trading in Father God for mother nature are you a neo-pagan atheist or is this mere symbolism? By the way, what field of science do you practice?

    It is fascinating to think that evolution gives rise to false beliefs such as theism. Evolution does not care about truth but only about survival. Therefore, I have no reason to trust what either of us thinks is true. I could conduct any repeatable experiment and merely be toying with mass delusions of continuity. Moreover, atheism is obviously an evolutionary consoling delusion that some people adhere to in order to cope. Moreover, your presuppositions about me are further fallacy. I once believed that death brought annihilation, in a materialistic sense, and was 100% comfortable with it and not the least bit stressed about it.

    I do agree that “Belief is one of the mechanisms that humans use to justify all the evil acts they do to each other.” Yet, beliefs of every sort cause this: belief in God, belief in racism, belief in territorial rights, etc. Yet, your statement is a non-sequitur since you cannot condemn a belief solely based on what people do when they claim to follow that belief. I may fight a war to free slaves and commit unnecessary atrocities in the process. Yet, this would not discredit freedom, it would only discredit my unnecessary actions.

    I believe that God created the material realm. Thus, I believe that science is best tool we have for uncovering material causes for material effects. Yet, I do not stuff the square peg of science into the circular hole of all possible knowledge.
    Since, dead bodies are not known to come back to life; if one did so, I could investigate the matter and may end up concluding the miraculous. However, since you presuppose an absolutely materialistic worldview; if you saw a body come back to life you would be forced to deny the evidence and you would explain it away by reasserting absolutely materialistic. No wonder that Jesus said of some people, “they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead” (Luke 16:31).

    I actually do not understand how atheists deny any miracle claims. If a dead body rose from the dead I think an atheist could claim that it was a rare combination of natural laws.

    I love the freedom to consider evidence on its own merit and not have my mind ensnared by absolute materialism.

    I wish to bring you up to date on a scientific issue: a decade ago the speed of light was reduced to 38 mph and has now been completely stopped, as reported by Harvard University.

    I am curious about something: you appear to be condemning murder, genocide, rape, and numerous other crimes as being highly immoral, evil and shameful. Please justify your condemnations.


  6. Thank you for posting my comment reply.

    Due to the length of my next response I've posted the comment at the web site I find it an easier visual format for conducting such conversations.

  7. Well, if you ever want to continue our conversation, I will be pleased to do so.

    I'll be here.



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